The Origin and Danger of KJV- Only-ism ; Kent Hovind et al Refuted

King James Only-ism is fairly popular within the Christian circle of North America and Western Europe. Not all KJVO (King James Version Only) advocates are KJVO for the same reason. Some believe that the KJV is the best translation off of the best text. Although I do not agree with that group, the argument is one within reason. There are other groups that need to be addressed, who believe the KJV to be a:

  • “Inspired” Translation; in fulfillment of psalm 12:6,7
  • perfect translation

To understand why these people think that, we should look into the evolution of the KJVO position throughout its time.



          KJVO advocates claim that their movement began with William Burgon, a man who criticized the Revised Version and the MSS (Manuscripts) upon which it is based off of.  Burgeon’s main claim against the Alexandrian Text-Type (the body of MSS upon which most modern translations are based off of), specifically Codex Sinaiticus (known as ‘Aleph’/𐡀) claiming that its age is due to its unreliability with the early church throwing it out into a trash can (1).  (in reality, Codex sinaiticus was well taken care of [2]). Although William Burgon favored the KJV/AV he was not a KJVO advocate, but he simply thought that the KJV was a better translation of the scriptures, with the Dean Burgon Society arguing for the defense of traditional texts (3). 

          Most scholars associate the KJVO movement beginning with Benjamin G. Wilkinson. This is simply false. almost every KJVO advocate’s argument can be traced back to Benjamin, which is true, however Wilkinson in his book ‘Our Authorized Version Vindicated ‘  took Burgon’s criticisms as fact and formed his own opinions, he was not trying to promote a movement to use the KJV Only. In fact “Wilkinson’s book lay unused and unknown” (4) . Keep in mind that his book stated his opinions based off Burgon’s criticisms.

          So if neither of these men wanted to start the movement for using the KJV, who did start the movement? A book written in 1955 by J.J Ray called ‘God Wrote Only One Bible‘ is responsible for jump starting the movement. Because of Benjamin Wilkinson’s book being so unpopular and only a potential handful actually reading his book we can be safe in saying that hardly any KJVO sentiment before Ray’s book existed, or at least no one preferred the KJV for the same reasons as Burgon and Wilkinson did. J.J Ray actually plagiarized Wilkinson’s book, but presented it all as solid fact, in which J.J. Ray actually favored the KJVO movement.  J.J. Ray was the origin of the KJVO movement, with Burgon and Wilkinson being a type of proto-KJVO. while Benjamin Wilkinson and Burgon could be classified as KJVO, it is important to realize that neither of them wanted to create the movement, and merely expressed their opinions and concerns in their books, it was J.J. Ray who took their opinions and presented them as fact and created the movement. It was also J.J. Ray who influenced other prominent KJVO advocates such as Gail Riplinger, David Otis Fuller, and others. For more information on this, see my paper (5)

The Danger of KJV-Onlyism

          The problem with the KJVO position is that it does not allow for the improvement upon the English Bible (i.e. the ability to more accurately reflect the original language into english). We can see this in many of their claims, one of which is the criticism of the  tetragrammaton (YHWH). KJVOnly-ists claim that “Jehovah” is a more accurate translation, ignoring the origin of the word ‘Jehovah’ being a transliteration (6,7). The KJV is a good translation, but it is certainly not a perfect translation. If KJVO advocates actually against representing the text more faithfully, this leads me to believe that KJVO advocates are more rooted in tradition than truth.

Kent Hovind Refuted


          in a excerpt of Kent Hovind’s 7th Seminar, he makes a lot of claims in his video. here are the errors that I have found

Correction #1: manuscript evidence

While the majority of the MSS do contain Textus Receptus readings (which are late readings anyhow – see ‘The Bible? Which One?’ in the Free Downloads section), the Textus Receptus and even the KJV was not translated by looking at the over 5000 extant greek MSS of the NT (New Testament). Infact, Erasmus’ editions were only based on 10 manuscripts (8). It is also necessary to not that Stephanus’ text (based off of Erasmus’ text) utilized a total of 15 manuscripts (9), and Theodore Beza (who used Stephanus’ text) used a total of 2 (10). Assuming these manuscripts are all different manuscripts to begin with, one could say that the manuscripts the KJV ‘used’ (the KJV was actually translated via printed editions of the Greek New Testament, mainly Beza and Stephanus) (11) numbers less than 30. With this in mind, newer Greek Editions today have the vast majority of support in their analysis of manuscripts.

Correction #2: Alexandria a Cult?

Alexandria is a city, the people who live there were called the Alexandrians. They were not a cult. The claim of changing the bible is completely false, infact they take an active role in the preservation of the NT, with the Alexandrian text type and the byzantine text type both agreeing over 99.5% of the time, and no teaching affected what-so-ever with the inclusion or exclusion of disputed verses (12). In other words, KJV are making much ado about nothing. Also, the principal of first mention is faulty because it assumes that no change can occur over time, one region is not always the same, nor is one people. Isreal is first mentioned as a good thing, this does not mean Israel and his descendants were always righteous ( a moderate reading of the OT clearly shows this). Concerning Origen, although some of his teachings were, what some consider to be, unbiblical, Origen was still a genuine Christian. If somebody disagrees with one on doctrine this does not automatically mean that that person is unsaved, and it certainly does not mean that that person has an evil agenda either.

Correction #3: changed teachings

John 3:7 is not the only verse on baptism, and from other passages, we can see that baptism can be and is for all (see Matthew 28:19,20). Genesis 1:5 in the NASB is also grossly misrepresented, although the reading in this verse says “one day”, in the successive days the days are referred to as “a second day… a third day… a fourth day… etc” (vs 8, 13, 19). The NASB still teaches a literal six-day creation.

Other Advocates of KJV Only-ism

Gail Riplinger


          Gail Riplinger is someone who is taken seriously by many, but those who actually study textual criticism in depth understand the fallacies of her arguments, and anyone who looks at things logically can recognize this as well. Here is just one example of her ridiculous claims.

Gail Riplinger’s Acrostic Algebra! (courtesy of James White)

  • Step 1: (NASV – NIV) – AV = X
  • Step 2: (NASV – NIV) – AV = X
  • Step 3: (ASI + NV) – AV = X
  • Step 4: ASI + NV – AV = X
  • Step 5: SIN = X

it is funny how all throughout her book ‘New Age bible Versions’ that she refers to the NASB as the NASB, except here where she refers to it as the NASV. She is not consistent.  This is just one example.

Sam Gipp


          Perhaps the most ridiculous claim is that he claims that the byzantine text is the original text with out providing textual evidence, infact no one has the original manuscripts because they’re all gone! Instead of using MS evidence Sam claims that psalms 12:6,7 is a prophecy for God preserving His word (13), when in fact the chapter is a promise of God that He will preserve His people. I do believe that God has defended and preserved His word, but psalms 12:6,7 is not a prophecy of that. for more, I recommend James’ White’s response* to Sam Gipp.

Steven Anderson


          Steven Anderson made a Documentary documenting the differences between the KJV and some of the most popular translations of today. Ironically, his documentary is a perfect example of KJVO exaggeration. Anderson also did an extended interview with James White, which show that KJVO positions do not hold up when put to scrutiny.


          Although I love the KJV, it is certainly not a perfect translation. These people above are very lovely people, but they are wrong on the KJV being a perfect translation. Every translation has its own flaws, and the KJV is no exception. If you still like using the KJV, you may use it without fear of believing in false doctrines or being deceived yourself. If you like other versions like the NASB or ESV you may use them as well. The important thing is to actually read your bible, study it, let the Holy Spirit guide you to all understanding, and strengthen that relationship with Christ daily. Christ wants to be with you every second of every day, and the Bible is His love letter to us.

old– image courtesy of

“Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.” – Mark 13:31 KJV

                                                   -Have a Blessed Day!




2 ;


5  You can view my paper here: THE ORIGIN OF THE KING JAMES ONLY MOVEMENT



8 Wikipedia contributors, “Novum Instrumentum omne,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed January 11, 2019). the first edition used 7 manuscripts, with the final edition Erasmus ha used around 10 total.

9 Wikipedia contributors, “Textus Receptus,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed January 11, 2019).  “[Stephanus’] third edition is a masterpiece of typographical skill. It has critical apparatus in which quoted manuscripts referred to the text. Manuscripts were marked by symbols (from α to ις). He used Polyglotta Complutensis (symbolized by α) and 15 Greek manuscripts. ”

10 Wikipedia contributors, “Theodore Beza,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, January 11, 2019). “Beza may have availed himself of the help of two very valuable manuscripts.”

11 Wikipedia contributors, “King James Version,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed January 11, 2019).

12 see my powerpoint, slide 24, -footnotes section, addendum.


22 thoughts on “The Origin and Danger of KJV- Only-ism ; Kent Hovind et al Refuted

  1. I had examined the movement and their claims as I refuted all of them using a Catholic translation of The Bible and the New Living Translation. KJVOS pull their theology and knowledge of science from out of their ass as Dinosaurs were extinct 65 million years ago as man came 200,000 years ago as the Genesis creation narrative shouldn’t be taken as literal as well as Noah’s Ark as Hovind along with his son, Paul Taylor, Ken Ham and Ray Comfort argue for recent creation as that’s cartoon theology (also can be taken as shit science.) I am going to relate 1 John 2:21 from a 19th Century translation, “I have not written to you as to them that know not the truth, but as to them that know it: and that no lie is of the truth.” I do believe in God and I look into the Historical Jesus as he was Aramaic. I examine both the occult world and the New Testament world scientifically through the eyes of an evolutionist and Old Earth Creationism (as I know of the other forms of this as I am a theistic evolutionist. This works better in a Philosophy class if you read into the subject of big history. Science and God aren’t in conflict when you see it this way as it has Atheists re-thinking Christianity as the King James Only Movement did more damage than good. The Baptist schism as I word it as the King James Bible is not the be all fuck all as modern profanity has its origins in the King James.)

    Liked by 1 person

      • You need to re-think how you read the Genesis Creation narrative and the flood narrative because they’re both allegorical. Illinois alone has proof of an older earth, as they spoke of The Tully Monster. Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago, Biblical Literalism is an American Heresy as I laid into “Dr.” Kent Hovind and Gail Riplinger recently.


      • How the Tully monster is dated is what is in question, however, I think these are some good resources about that subject in general – . Also, the author of Genesis is intended to portray a literal real history (whether you agree with it as history or not). The text in no way is to be read allegorically but literally.


      • It’s allegorical, The Tully Monster went extinct 300 million years ago, as is a pseudoscience website trying to push young earth creation “science” off as science. I went to a public grade school, public middle, public high school and a secular junior college. I suggest you read this piece I wrote in 2015 as I examined my exchanges with Eric Hovind and his followers. I read all the young earth pseudoscience “research” when I posthumously refuted Henry M. Morris as the Big Bang was coined by a Catholic Priest. This website also lays into YECs as he’s a deadpan snarker. is pulling their knowledge of science from —- as Ray Comfort’s Scientific Facts In The Bible book is their source material. I have a working knowledge of science from writing science fiction as I include real science in my work.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Eric Hovind is not the best source to go to however I’d like to hear more of your responses to the claims that the authors of make. The question is IF the Tully monster can really be dated to 300 Million years ago and if any evolution occurred. That is the whole crux of the matter.


      • Just do a bing search and you will see many science websites along with major Chicago newspapers speaking about Tully Monster. The claims that make about human-dinosaur coexistence is a lost word trope in science fiction and speculative fiction. Just do a bing on Archaic age North America and you have your old earth narrative as that predates the first writing of Genesis.


      • The issue is that the Tully Monster was dated via the layer it was found in (Pennsylvanian layer). There are a few issues with this approach:
        Living fossils:
        IF the layers represent long periods of time then why are there species who are, essentially, the same as this previously ‘extinct’ species? either the organism is not as old, or you would have to admit that there was relatively little evolutionary change over millions of years, and if so, why almost no change? Many claim that the living fossils are not the same species as the fossils in the fossil record, yet give no explanation as to how they know that – merely assuming that organisms have always evolved and have a common ancestor (but the very nature of natural selection and mutations casts serious doubt upon this especially since they are unable to name how mutations may cause new functions or structures, let alone give examples of). Either the age is not millions of years (as it takes millions of years to evolve) or the earth is billions of years with the process of natural selection having limits inside the groups that multiple species may reproduce with.

        Radioactive Dating: Dating the layers of the rocks only gives us a range of time wherein it was possible for the Tully monster to be buried. Radioactive dating methods measure the amount of radioactive material and the half-life of that radioactive material, but it does not know how much a substance started off with. E.g. a rock layer may have started off with less Argon than with another, thus appearing older (After all after every half-life the amount does get cut in half, hence the name, but not every substance starts off with the same amount). Living fossils seem to cast doubt on the age of the organism considering that species exist, or doubt on the evolutionary process itself.

        Speaking of evolution, the Platypus seems like a compilation of multiple animals and seems like great evidence for evolution – until you look at it’s genome, and realize that Platypus’ themselves are living fossils (

        As far as human and dinosaur interaction I would see here for more (

        If you interpret Genesis to be allegorical I guess we will just have to disagree. But I think you and me both can agree that people should spend some time in the text and research before accepting anything as truth, and for that, I respect the time you took to get answers to your questions rather than only asking questions and not seek answers like many people do 🙂


      • It’s allegorical as the modern Jewish society also see it as allegorical too. When I wrote Lake Fossil at the dawn of turning 28 I had introduced the evolution-creation debate into a secular classroom setting reversal of the atheist professor myth that both Jack T. Chick and the film director “God’s Not Dead” both portray, I changed the way I portrayed Christians after 2007 when I reaffirmed my faith in God as I portrayed them as being subcultural and well read in Gothic literature as well as speculative fiction like the works of H. P. Lovecraft and Isaac Asimov. Many of my sci-fi influences are atheist or agnostic.


  2. Nickolaus A. Pacione, Please visit the website and you will QUICKLY learn the 7 Day Creation story is NOT allegorical. I challenge you to refute the information presented there about the Creation story and how God “declared the end from the beginning (creation)” and “the things not yet done” (Isaiah 46:10). God bless ~ Gabriel


  3. He says “I love The King James but it is not a perfect Translation” what if I were to say “I love Jesus (The Word) but he certainly was not a perfect man”


    • The problem with that is that you’re assuming the KJV simply is the word of God, but dismisses the issues with it as a translation. the KJV is a good translation, & God has certainly worked through it, but it is not a perfect translation and to ascribe that status to it I think is fallacious on the basis that it is certainly not perfect.


  4. if the KJV is not perfect then what is perfect? You tell us that the KJV is not perfect but you give us no alternative. then you tell us we should read an imperfect book. if it is not perfect how do I know what is perfect and what is a lie? if God doesn’t care enough about us to even leave us a perfect book describing important things like how to get saved and Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins, then what is the point of reading the bible? How are we to know that someone just messed up the part about salvation? It says in John 1:1 (KJV) “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Are you saying that some of God are no longer here? That God just allowed some of him to become dead? Jesus says in Matthew 5:18 (KJV) “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”. Does that mean God lied? Earth and heaven have certainly not passed so either Jesus the God of the universe lied???? or you are wrong…


  5. Thanks for the sensible critique. Me & my neighbor were just preparing to do some research about this. We got a grab a book from our local library but I think I learned more from this post. I’m very glad to see such great info being shared freely out there.


  6. Psalms 12:6,7 is talking about the preservation of God’s word it makes no mention of people, and also what point are you trying to make saying that God didn’t preserve his word. If God didn’t preserve his word then he is a liar and none of this really matters. If God said it in the Bible that he was going to preserve his word then we have to believe it.


  7. I read through the stuff you told me “should help”. It really didn’t honestly. You also did not answer my previous questions so…ya maybe do that sometime. And that stuff about Sam Gipp is ridiculous. ¨Instead of using MS evidence, Sam claims that Psalms 12:6,7 is a prophecy for God preserving His word ¨ I mean like how dare he believe the bible over some manuscripts that you literally just said ¨no one has the original manuscripts because they’re all gone!¨ in the sentence before! Because makes a LOT of sense! And also that whole thing about Alexandria? ya, it doesn’t line up with the bible. Deuteronomy 17:16 says, ¨But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the Lord hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way.¨ and Isaiah 31:1 says ¨Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord!¨. Isreal wasn’t even allowed to trade horses with Egypt! Egypt is always portrayed as a place of sin and the world, and now all of a sudden Godś bible is from there??? And we are supposed to believe that the Alexandrian is better than the Antioch which is literally where the disciples were first called Christians (Acts 11:26)??? PLS! answer at least a few of my questions this time instead of making me read some weird slide show thing at didn’t really answer anything…. like at all. And also maybe answer the last question I had. Is Jesus, aka God of the universe a lair???? or are YOU wrong? It’s not a trick question.


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